Microsoft Windows XP pro pre-install downgrade to be unavailable after 10/22/2010

The time has come for us to say goodbye to Microsoft Windows XP! All of our computer vendors have been alerting us to the fact that after October 22, 2010 they will no longer be able to provide us with machines that include the downgraded Microsoft Windows XP professional and that Microsoft Windows 7 will be the only option. There …


Secure IT Alert: Microsoft Issues Critical Patches for XP, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2003 & 2008

Homeland Secure IT Alert for Monday, August 02, 2010 Microsoft Issues Emergency Patch: Rated Critical Microsoft issues out-of-band security bulletin and patch today August 2, 2009. Out of band means released ahead of the regular scheduled monthly update.  The out-of-band patch is designed to address a security flaw in the way shortcuts are displayed. Software affected includes Windows operating system, various versions, …