Example of Supercooling & Snap Freezing

I have been a fan of Mr. Wizard, or for those of you who are too young to know who that is, Bill Nye “The Science Guy” type experiments that you can do at home for as long as I can remember. One simple experiment that I first learned about only a couple years ago was that of supercooling water …

I use Mac or Linux because it never gets exploited like Windows… Right? Uhmmm no.

While some may feel safe and secure in their little Mac or Linux world, it is becoming painfully apparent that the walls are crashing down around those with who feel that false sense of security. Of course Apple did everything they could to convince you that their computers were impervious to malware in a whole slew of television and online …

Would you like to play a Cyber War Game?

In an article from the LA Times http://www.latimes.com/news/nation-and-world/la-na-cyber-attack17-2010feb17,0,305928.story?track=rss it is apparent that in the event of an all-out attack, we are all doomed… DOOOOMED! The end is near, run for the hills…