New music for you!

This is totally unrelated to IT services and products, but relevant our friends and clients who keep up with what John is doing in music. It is with a huge smile that we announce the release of the Hot As A Pepper “Move It” album which John and his band have been working on for several years! It contains mostly …

The quota limit for your email is nearly full

Bogus Microsoft 365 quota full email

Have you received an email that stated “The quota limit for is nearly full.”? Guess what? It’s probably NOT a legitimate email notification. Let’s examine it… The from address could be something like the example below: “M/S/Yourdomain <> There’s several things wrong here. That’s not your Microsoft 365 tenant, is it? But what about that email address? That’s not a …

Microsoft Password Expiration Notice is BOGUS

Expired Password Phishing Attempt

Let’s go over this one more time…. You *NEED* to stop clicking on links in your email. Yes, they look enticing, and some sure look official, but, many are designed causing you to click on a link then prompt you for your login credentials or other information, which is then used to gain access to your accounts. Case in point: …

Computer Repair Service in Greenville SC

We get several calls a week wanting computer repair service in Greenville or the Upstate and have to tell them we cannot help them. Why? Because after years of operation, Homeland Secure IT determined it was necessary to focus on our business clients in order to provide them with the highest level or service and the fastest possible response times. …

Fake o365 password emails still happening

Not a day goes by that one of the customers that Homeland Secure IT provides computer services to doesn’t call or email asking about the legitimacy of an email they received that is informing them of some action they need to take. Typical emails might be telling them: Your o365 password is expiringYou have mail that has been quarantinedAn error …

Your password is not expiring

No, your password is not expiring. You are being sent email that is attempting to get you to enter your credentials or send you to a malicious website. Please stop believing everything you read when you get these emails. Look at the links before clicking them – you can hover your mouse over the link and see where it is …

Computer Repair Services In Greenville

What do you do if you need computer repair in the Upstate? What has become of the computer repair businesses in Greenville and the surrounding area? Computer Direct Outlet is apparently gone and sorely missed by many. Four other prominent computer businesses are now closed. Some are a result of the pandemic, and one is due to the owner retiring. …

Microsoft probably didn’t send that PW Expiration Notice

If you receive an email that tells you that your Microsoft Password is expiring, look at it closely and you will notice a lot of dead giveaways that it is fake. First off, the subject might be misspelled like this one… “Acount important Update 09/11”. That should be the first red flag that something is not right. But wait, there’s …

Happy Independence Day

We’re taking off Friday the 2nd through Tuesday the 6th to celebrate our Nation’s Independence and spend time with our families. We hope you will be able to do the same! We will be on-call if you should have an emergency, so do not hesitate to call if you cannot get a computer or server to function and need to …

Back it on up! Something free for you!

Our cloud backup and disaster recovery partner, Servosity, has offered us something that may help your company during these uncertain times… Now through August, we can provide you with Office 365 / O365 backup AND endpoint backup (your workstations, notebooks, etc) at NO CHARGE. If you would like more information, please use our CONTACT FORM or give us a call …