I know how everyone loves Honda or Yamaha generators, and I don’t blame you, they are considered some of the best (and most expensive) portables you can buy. Nice and quiet and high quality and all. HOWEVER – 4 years ago, I purchased an inexpensive generator to be used in the event of an emergency, and also for a ham …
Today’s Wi-Fi Fear: Thieves using RDF to find notebooks
An article on NetworkWorld.com made me chuckle today… Apparently the Bad Guys are now using Radio Direction Finding (RDF) to locate hidden notebooks because their 802.11* wireless was enabled. It seems amazing to me that it has taken this long for anyone to realize that if a ntoebook or any other device is “wireless”, that it is transmitting a signal, …
Demonstration of Yagi Antenna as used in Amateur Radio
A friend posted this YouTube video on a County Hunter forum. I found it very well done and thought I would share. This is a demonstration of a Yagi beam antenna and shows how adding a reflector and directors to a driven element increases the signal strength in front of the antenna by focusing the power bounced off the reflector …
Forgotten Technologies – BBSes, Amigas, IRC, etc
Today I spent about an hour or more showing Scott what an Amiga A-4000T is all about. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any disks with me to show him the awesome 80s & 90s graphics. Nor did I get it online to show him what that machine was used for. What was it used for? I’m glad you asked! It was used …