PSA: The Annual International Internet Spring Cleaning Day is once again upon us!

Spring has sprung and with it comes Annual International Internet Spring Cleaning Day! This year ISPs (Internet Service Providers) around the world are increasing their efforts to keep our networks in tip-top shape so that they perform as fast as possible. Perhaps you may have missed the stories on the news and the endless emails flying around for the last week …


Internet Spring Cleaning Day 2014 is upon us! Read Immediately!

It’s that time of year again when ISPs (Internet Service Providers) from around the globe perform their yearly scheduled maintenance. This is dubbed “Internet Spring Cleaning”. In case you have missed the stories on the news and the countless emails flying around for the last week or so, then this may come as a total surprise to you. Newcomers to …

Internet Spring Cleaning Day 2013 is TODAY! Please take action to protect your devices.

It’s that time of year again when ISPs (Internet Service Providers)  all around the world perform their yearly maintenance, call it “Spring Cleaning” if you will. If you have been living under a rock and missed the stories on the news and the countless emails flying around for the last week or so, then this may come as a total …

PSA: International Internet Spring Cleaning Day is TODAY!

It’s that time of year again when ISPs (Internet Service Providers)  all around the world perform their yearly maintenance, call it “Spring Cleaning” if you will.If you have been living under a rock and missed the stories on the news and the countless emails flying around for the last week or so, then this may come as a total surprise …

Spring Cleaning Time – For Your Data!

It’s that time again!  Time to do some spring cleaning! This is where millions of people spend hours or even days cleaning up their computers.  Wedding mail, files and other data in an attempt to simplify their life and to determine what is to be kept and what should be deleted. I suggest NOT cleaning. Sure, you can ORGANIZE, but …