Relying on Jesus for computer and network security will not protect you

I bet that title got your attention! But according to a list of passwords examined, “Jesus” will not protect you, as it is on SplashData’s list of password’s that are considered unsafe due to the sheer usage of them. Obviously, “password” is the worst, followed by “123456” and “12345678”. I stole the following list of passwords from SplashData from the …


FINALLY! Windows XP has decreased in popularity enough to no longer be the number one OS!

We knew the time was coming, but we didn’t know when, exactly……. According to an article on, entitled “Windows 7 overtakes XP as Mac OS X passes Vista“, Microsoft Windows 7 has finally surpassed Microsoft XP as the most dominant operating system!  Predictions were all over the place, from 2013 to as far out as 2016, with a few …

Forgotten Technologies – BBSes, Amigas, IRC, etc

Today I spent about an hour or more showing Scott what an Amiga A-4000T is all about. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any disks with me to show him the awesome 80s & 90s graphics. Nor did I get it online to show him what that machine was used for. What was it used for?  I’m glad you asked! It was used …