If you are wondering if your information was exploited from one of the major hacked websites, there is a website that may tell you that. https://shouldichangemypassword.com/ It checks several databases for the occurrence of your email address. If your address is there, you may need to be concerned. If not, carry on… I checked most of my email addresses and …
Data Security: You returned your computer, but where’s your data???? #scary #datasecurity
Recently, Staples Business Depot did the unthinkable, they sold computers that had been returned, and the hard drives contained the previous owner’s private information according to an article on the www.cbc.ca news site which states, “Staples resold laptops with customer data, audit finds“. The article goes on to say that 54 of the 149 computers tested that were ready to …
Deleting system files before you leave a job is not a nice thing to do, and likely illegal!
I’ve said this before, but I think I will say it again. Should you leave a job and have personal files on your system, sure, by all means, delete your PERSONAL files, that’s okay, right? Maybe… In fact, laws on the books that state that everything you do at work is property of the employer, however, I am not a …
Hard drive data recovery demonstration with special appearance by Shred Disk @ShredDisk
When you buy a new computer, what do you do with the old one? Donate it to charity? Give it to a friend? Leave it with the computer vendor who sold you the new computer? Sell it on Craigslist? The real question here is, what happens to the data on the hard drive in your old system? Do you take …