It’s 2023 – Stop falling for fake Microsoft emails!

It’s 2023 and we’re still seeing clients fall for this type of scam email designed to have you click that “View Secured Document” link. There’s several giveaways from the fact that “SharedPoint” is NOT “SharePoint”, to the origin email which is from Japan instead of a Microsoft domain.Another big clue is when you hover over the “View Secured Document” link, …

Fake o365 password emails still happening

Not a day goes by that one of the customers that Homeland Secure IT provides computer services to doesn’t call or email asking about the legitimacy of an email they received that is informing them of some action they need to take. Typical emails might be telling them: Your o365 password is expiringYou have mail that has been quarantinedAn error …

Bin Laden death results in malware spreading via social media, email and web

It will come as no surprise that anything newsworthy results in the creators of malware intensifying their efforts to spread their malicious code. The demise of Usama Bin Laden in no exception as various attempts to entice people to follow links through are being reported all over the place. I have seen 3 people I follow on social media who …

G-20 Summit is latest spam attack subject

A post today on Trend Micro’s TrendLabs Malware blog pointed out how spammers will use the upcoming G-20 Summit as a way to distribute their content. It works like this: The spammer sends emails out, they appear to come from the Japanese finance ministry and contain comments on issues related to the Summit. Should you click on the link, it will …


Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security 7.0 is here! Adds Mac Protection & More!

Our number one selling security software to protect small business servers, endpoints (desktops), mobile notebook computers, and Microsoft Exchange email is Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Advanced. There’s a good reason for this… Our clients get the most bang for the buck from this product! It even filters SPAM! Trend Micro products always rank in the highest levels of anti-virus …