Homeland Secure IT means business!

Exciting news! In 2018, we stopped accepting walk-ins at our location on Mauldin Rd in Greenville SC, and began to focus our energy on what we do best, on-site, remote and managed business services. We entirely phased out home / individual services except to owners and staff of our existing business clients. Part of that decision was directly influenced by …

We’re about to celebrate our NINTH YEAR!

Can you believe it? Homeland Secure IT opened our doors in 2009 and here it is 2018. When we took our first call it was during one of the worst economic times Pamela and I had seen. Businesses were closing, the market was flooded with IT professionals looking for work. But we didn’t let that deter us from taking the …

Consider managed services to reduce downtime and frustration for your business!

If you run a small or medium business without a dedicated IT department, you are probably painfully aware of the costs associated with keeping your computers and servers up to date with security patches and updates. Whether you are paying an IT company to perform preventive maintenance, or if you or another staff member are taking time out of your …


DNS Services Managed DNS Backup Business Services bill

We’ve heard from many of our clients that a company called DNS Services (www.DNSsvc.com) has been sending them letters that appear to be invoices. Some clients have attached copies of the bills that they have received even. However, Pamela’s other business, McAbee’s Custom Carpets received their own the other day. The “bill” looks like you own $65.00 for “DNS Failover …

We offer break-fix IT support in addition to managed services in Greenville / Upstate SC!

More and more, IT support businesses are pushing managed services, and with good reason; many issues can be resolved before they happen, and the relationship is about maintaining an operational network instead of operating in a continual crisis mode. While we would love to move each client into a managed services agreement, it might not be right for everyone. That …