Rogue network devices could be more common than one might think #RaspberryPi #PwnPlug

A while back, I wrote about devices that could be used on a network to gain access, be deployed by just about anyone, and potentially be undetected by IT staff or employees of a business. Here’s a follow-up. Recently I have been playing around with a 35 dollar micro computer called the Raspberry Pi.  This lil’ pup of a computer is …


Save big on a new computer for your student thanks to the 2012 SC Tax Holiday!

Sales of new computers ramps up quickly this time of year due to students returning to school. And this coming weekend will likely bring the most sales of computers that we have seen this year thanks in part to the South Carolina 2012 Sales Tax Holiday which starts August 3, 2012 and continues through August 5, 2012. That’s right….   NO …

Microsoft Security Advisory related to Microsoft Exchange and Fast Search Server 2010 for SharePoint

The following update was released today regarding a previous security advisory. This update is v1.1 in which they revised the workaround titles – otherwise, it is the same as it was. Please insure your Microsoft products are updated at all times. — ******************************************************************** Title: Microsoft Security Advisory Notification Issued: July 25, 2012 ******************************************************************** Security Advisories Updated or Released Today ============================================== …

Servosity bare metal recovery could help your IT support provider get a dead server back online fast! #BackTheStuffUp

Our cloud backup partner, Servosity, has included a bare metal restore capability in the most recent releases of their backup client software. What IS “bare metal recovery”? It is part of the Servosity Disaster Recovery solution which allows an IT service provider or your IT support department to restore a crashed machine in a matter of minutes, even to dissimilar …

Symantec AV Update Responsible for Crashing Microsoft Windows computers

Symantec has issued an apology regarding the crashing of enterprise based Microsoft Windows XP computers last week. Although the update was corrected quickly, it was not before many computers were affected. Hopefully your network was not one of those negatively impacted. If you should find your business in the situation of computers blue screening, locking up or performing in a …

Yahoo data breach exposes 400,000 user names and passwords

Last month it was LinkedIn who was making the news due to a data breach that exposed millions of user names and passwords, and this month it is Yahoo. It seems as though 400,000 user accounts and passwords have been exposed in the recently discovered breach, though it may be a while before the severity is truly known. Our suggestion …

You really want to update your Microsoft Windows machines with the July patches

The National Cyber Awareness System released an alert yesterday, July 10, 2012 which mentions multiple vulnerabilities of a critical nature. It is advisable to update your Microsoft based systems immediately to protect against these vulnerabilities. Should you require assistance with that in the Greenville or Upstate South Carolina area, we can assist, please call us at 864.990.4748 or use our …