Snow day for Homeland staff!

Due to the slick conditions, Homeland staff was sent home early. Hopefully, you will be home, safe and sound yourself, but if you are not, and need assistance with your computer, server or network, please call or email us and we shall attempt to help remotely. Be careful out there!

Think your data is safe in “the cloud” during a disaster? Think again… #fantasy

The East Coast was ravaged by hurricane Sandy this week, causing still undetermined billions of dollars in damage. We will know more in the coming days, as we find out exactly how many people have perished, how many homes are permanently destroyed and how business and the economy will be affected. Here, safe and sound in the Upstate of South …

Are you using pcAnywhere? Symantec says to cut that out… #vulnerbilities #hax0rz

If you are using pcAnywhere to remotely access your computer, you probably want to go read the “pcAnywhere Security Recommendations” posted by Symantec. The danger is that someone so inclined could potentially access your computer through vulnerabilities exposed from old source code, and gain full access to your computer, files and your network. To sum it up, disabling pcAnywhere …

Cisco OnPlus service available now to small & medium businesses

Large businesses have full-time IT staff or fully outsourced IT support that provide monitoring of their infrastructure and keep them up to date and now small & medium (SMB) businesses can have the same level of support when it comes to devices on their network. Cisco OnPlus works by allowing Homeland Secure IT or your Cisco SMB service provider to place …

Windows 7 applications open minimized and will not allow you to maximize or expand

Had a client call us today with a peculiar issue… On their Windows 7 Professional notebook, some applications (but not all) would open, but appear minimized in the task bar. The client tried everything, from rebooting, to trying safe mode. We connected remotely to view their desktop and observed the same behavior. After scouring the internet and discussing this between …


“We’re from the government and we’re here to help!” – FBI in regards to removing Coreflood from infected computers

The FBI seized control of the Coreflood servers a couple weeks ago, drastically reducing the traffic that was being generated by the large botnet by stopping the update of the bot clients. This will allow anti-virus programs to begin to discover the presence on infected machines and hopefully remove it. That’s awesome, but what’s next? The FBI is seeking to …


Remote Temperature Monitoring for your Server Room or Wiring Closet

We are helping a client move their entire network (servers, computers, switches, firewalls) to a new facility. Unfortunately, the new digs do not allow for an optimum placement of their servers. They are to be relegated to an upstairs location in the building, and an air conditioner system is being installed to provide the cooling required to keep everything from …