Social Network Knows No Borders

I received an email from a gentleman saying that someone mentioned that I could help him with a computer issue he was having. Thing is, he was not in my geographic service area of Greenville and the Upstate of South Carolina. He was not even in our state. He was from Arizona.

Now it is not uncommon for someone to Google us and call from an area that is not in our service area, but he called at the suggestion of someone who saw my posting on Twitter. They happened to be following the same hashtag that I was posting to and suggested us to the gentleman in their area.

So what did I do? I helped him, of course! Didn’t know what to charge him… 5 minutes to fix a simple problem (the guy had taken it to 2 places and they couldn’t fix it, but fortunately I was able to do so in email)

What it boils down to though is that even though we are using hashtags like #LuckyGVL #GoogleOnMain and #Greenville, which one would think were localized, there are people all over the world watching. It can lead to new friends, new business contacts, and other interesting opportunities. Heck, we recently became a vendor of a product because of a chance online meeting!

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