Looking back over 2012, I am one to see the good, not so much the bad. Call me an optimist. Here’s a few of the wins that Homeland Secure IT and our family saw…. Homeland Secure IT celebrated our 3 year anniversary – yea us and thank YOU! New partnerships with vendors were formed New skills were acquired by …
Xperience Greenville review by Pamela Hoyt @PamelaHoyt #XperienceGVL #Greenville
Xperience Greenville as reviewed by Pamela Hoyt After a very full day at TEDx Greenville, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect with Xperience Greenville that followed. TED x proved to be an incredibly fast paced adventure that far outweighed my expectations. TED meaning Technology, Entertainment, and Design was certainly carried through in Xperience Greenville as well. The “X”perience was …