For a while now, we have had a war over what is better… DSL or Cable internet. And along with that, who is the better service provider, AT&T or Charter. But regarding support of those services, Charter has had an edge by offering a social media component to their technical support. A Charter user could post to Twitter that something …
Charter Ups Broadband Speeds Again, Bumps Top Tier to 100 MBps
This came in email from our Charter rep and may be of interest to you if you have not already seen this: Charter Ups Broadband Speeds Again, Bumps Top Tier to 100 Mbps – DiGeronimo says DSL is Basically Archaic Original Publication Date: 12/1/2011 Original News Source: Multichannel News By Todd Spangler — Multichannel News, 12/1/2011 3:00:00 PM Looking to …
The first nationwide Emergency Alert System test is November 9, 2011 at 2:00 PM Eastern
You’ve been hearing about it for a while now, but the time is has finally come for the first nationwide Emergency Alert System (EAS) test. It is scheduled for November 9th, 2011 at 2pm Eastern and will last a few minutes. You can get the full scoop on this event on the FCC site. Of course, many conspiracy theorists can …
FCC – Measuring Broadband America Report Released #SamKnows #FCC #Broadband
I have been participating in the SamKnows / Test My ISP program that the FCC has undertaken in an effort to better understand what internet providers are offering, and what consumers are ultimately getting. The first report has been released and it sure doesn’t look good for DSL technology! If you have DSL based internet (AT&T U-Verse included), then you …
The FCC Wants You Signup to Shape the Future of Broadband in America
The FCC is looking for about 10,000 good men and women to help test their broadband connections in certain markets and from certain providers by installing a piece of equipment to meter the throughput at their home. If you are interested in participating, you can go to and fill out the application. You must meet certain requirements, such as …
Try out to test your internet speed
Found out about and tested our speed. Only 21MB down and 1.5MB up. Feeling a little slooooooooooow =)