In honor of Good Friday, Homeland Secure IT will be closed Friday, March 29th 2013. We hope that you have plans to spend time reflecting on what this time of year means and that you can enjoy it with your family. As always, if you have an emergency and require computer service, you can call us or email us and …
Happy Easter from all of us at Homeland Secure IT
For those of you reading our blog in email, you are receiving this a day late and a dollar short, but the sentiment is the same. The staff at Homeland Secure IT want to wish you a very happy Easter. We hope you were able to spend time with your family, and that you know that the real meaning behind …
Homeland Secure IT will be closed on Good Friday!
Our technicians will be on-call, but our offices will be closed. Please do not hesitate to call our cells or email us, or even leave a voice mail message on the main 864-990-4748 number (we will all get it) if you require priority computer service or repair. We sure don’t want to see your entire network be down because your …
Homeland Secure IT will be taking Good Friday off!
What Friday isn’t good when you take it off? Seriously though, in observation of Easter weekend, Homeland Secure IT will not open the office on Friday so everyone can spend time with family. We WILL be available via email and phone. Should the need arise, please do not hesitate to call us on Friday. Have a very pleasant holiday weekend! …
Happy Easter to our Greenville & Upstate Friends, Family and Computer Service Clients
I wanted to do something silly that would make you laugh, like the pic someone put on Facebook today with chewy little Peep marshmellow candies, set up on a stage, complete with a pole, all dancing, and the caption of “This wasn’t what I had in mind when I heard we were going to a “Peep Show”…” Then I remembered …