GSATC Presents – Cybercrime, the Internet, and you… #GSATC #Greenville #CyberCrime #Security

Are you involved with GSA Technology Council? If so, you already know all about this. If not, here’s a Greenville event that many people will find informative (stolen from their email sent out earlier today): Cybercrime, the Internet, and youā€¦ The current state of the art in Cybercrime <<First Name>>Andrew Grafton, FBI Agent, will discuss current and past cyber cases, …

No, you won’t lose access to the internet on March 8, 2012… #DNSChanger

The top email question for me the last couple weeks has been, “What’s this about the internet going down on March 8th?”. This is related to the DNS Changer malware which has permitted hackers to hijack web traffic and send it to their bogus sites and in the process, get millions of dollars from fraudulent advertisement revenue. The people responsible …

SECURE IT ALERT: Usama Bin Laden Death Email Scam Warning Issued by the FBI

  Homeland Secure IT Alert Homeland Secure IT Alert for Friday, May 13 2011   On May 04, the FBI issued a warning about links related to the death of Usama bin Laden. The text from the FBI site follows:   Malicious Software Features UsamaĀ binĀ LadenĀ Links to Ensnare Unsuspecting Computer Users  The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) urges computer users to …


“We’re from the government and we’re here to help!” – FBI in regards to removing Coreflood from infected computers

The FBI seized control of the Coreflood servers a couple weeks ago, drastically reducing the traffic that was being generated by the large botnet by stopping the update of the bot clients. This will allow anti-virus programs to begin to discover the presence on infected machines and hopefully remove it. That’s awesome, but what’s next? The FBI is seeking to …