This is just too slick…. This weekend brings IPSC 2010, the Internet Problem Solving Contest 2010. What is it? Teams of up to 3 people will compete on the 6th of June to win cash prizes by working together to solve a series of problems. Go here for the information If you are competing, let me know how you …
Your Apple Mac Needs a Backup too! Try our FREE Online Backup Trial of Servosity!
Not a week goes by that I am not reminded of how devastating it can be for someone to lose their data. Yesterday a nice guy called about his Macbook that had a drive failure and he took it all the way to Charlotte to have the Mac Store look at it. They are replacing the drive under warranty, however, …
The FCC Wants You Signup to Shape the Future of Broadband in America
The FCC is looking for about 10,000 good men and women to help test their broadband connections in certain markets and from certain providers by installing a piece of equipment to meter the throughput at their home. If you are interested in participating, you can go to and fill out the application. You must meet certain requirements, such as …
Go Gigabit! It’s like steroids for your business network! #GoogleOnMain #LuckyGVL
Have you noticed retrieving files from your server is feeling slower? Accessing a database on your network is sluggish? Moving large files takes a long time? Chances are good that you are using a 10/100 Megabit infrastructure, and that by simply replacing a few components, you could move to Gigabit speeds, possibly a 10x increase in speed, or more if …
Laptop containing medical information has been lost or stolen in Oconee SC – Is YOUR data secure?
Every computer service and support company in the world just waits in the wings for headlines like this one from today on “Missing laptop may compromise Oconee Heart Center Patients’ data“. It’s not because we revel in the suffering of others, but because it underscores the importance of the message that computer techs preach over and over “secure your …
Google Chrome is faster than lightning, sound and a speeding potato
I’m still feeling horrible after the accident on Friday so I am at home. Better to hurt at home than to go in to work and not get anything done, be more uncomfortable, feel more depressed and make everyone at the office as sick of hearing me whine about it as my family and even myself… It hurts to type, …
City of Los Angeles California chooses Google Apps (over Microsoft’s BPOS) for in the cloud solution
A major buzz word for 2009/2010 has been “cloud computing”, where your applications and servers are not actually hosted locally, but instead “in the cloud”, on a remote server or servers. Thus eliminating the need for you to purchase an expensive Microsoft Server and Microsoft Exchange Server, all the licensing, then the Microsoft Office applications for each of your users, …
Just what DOES Homeland Secure IT, LLC do anyway?
That question was asked in a webinar a bit ago and was difficult to explain because what we do at Homeland Secure IT is far more than can be explained in a simple response like, “We work on computers”. While that is true, it is by no means the primary focus of our business. Of course our main site, …
I use Mac or Linux because it never gets exploited like Windows… Right? Uhmmm no.
While some may feel safe and secure in their little Mac or Linux world, it is becoming painfully apparent that the walls are crashing down around those with who feel that false sense of security. Of course Apple did everything they could to convince you that their computers were impervious to malware in a whole slew of television and online …