I have a hard time trusting people who are not active and open on social media. My perception is that they are hiding something… What are some reasons for NOT using social media to connect with people and share either your personal or business life (or in my case, both)??? Reasons people might abstain from being social on the internet: …
Avoid embarrassment for your business due to pornography raids by installing a firewall with filtering
Every company would like to believe they have employees with strong moral values who would not jeopardize the reputation of the business by browsing for pornography, or even worse, child pornography. The truth of the matter is, not only are there employees that will do just that, but also others who might have access to machines in the facility, such …
Google’s Chrome Browser is Becoming Better for Business all the Time
I normally don’t weigh in on the browser wars, as each browser has its own place. For instance, there simply is no replacement for Microsoft Internet Explorer if you want near 100% compatibility with every site in the world. Obviously, each alternate browser has a strong point, such as speed, or installation size, or security, but each browser also has downsides that sometimes …