Atlanta Georgia to get centralized monitoring of public and private surveillance cameras

Privacy advocates are fired up over the multi-million dollar video integration center planned for Atlanta Georgia. This system will monitor up to 500 cameras simultaneously, some owned by the city and some private, at a centralized data center. At that center, software will be in place that can identify “suspicious” behavior and allow monitoring employees to deploy emergency personnel rapidly. …

Aaron’s rent-to-own computers may have come complete with value-added spyware

It seems that not a day goes by that we don’t hear stories of how this person or that company had a data breach and information was leaked outside their walls, but in the news the last couple days is something far more sinister than someone losing data because of a hacker or accidentally installing malicious software. ABC Action News …

Huge Sony PSN Data Breach: What Should I Do? (From the WatchGuard Security Blog)

I am reposting this from WatchGuard Security Center blog in its entirety below.  I have kept fairly silent on this subject as everyone has said everything that needs to be covered. Corey did a fine job of outlining the situation though, so for your reading enjoyment:   Huge Sony PSN Data Breach; What Should I Do? Corey Nachreiner | April …


“Privacy Bill of Rights” perspective from the WatchGuard blog

The following blog post is from the WatchGuard Security Center, posted by Chris McKie….   The “Privacy Bill of Rights” – A WatchGuard Perspective Chris McKie | April 12, 2011 at 12:50 pm | Tags: Compliance, Privacy Bill of Rights, Regulation, Security Law | Categories: Editorial Articles | URL: “Whenever industry fails to self-regulate, government will fill the void …