We are excited to announce the release of Worry-Free Business Security version 9.5. Worry-Free Business Security now includes: User notification for when new versions, service packs, and patches are available Enhancements to the ransomware protection features Support for Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 (WFBS Advanced) Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Creators support We have updated most of the customers we …
Trend Micro Partner
Trend Micro offers industry leading anti-virus / anti-malware / anti-spam for home, business and enterprise. Homeland Secure IT is proud to be a partner offering sales, support and installation in Greenville / Upstate SC. We can offer you a single license for your home, or hundreds of seats of Worry-Free Business Security or ScanMail for your business. Don’t risk your …
228,000 South Carolina Medicaid records transferred to private email acct – Trend Micro WFBS might have stopped that
There’s a story in the news right now about the South Carolina Medicaid program losing control over 228k records. From the versions of the story I have read, it appears that individual working there transferred these records to a private email account and then to another email account. The information includes names, Medicaid ID numbers (which are also Social Security …
Trend Micro has released WFBS 7.0 Patch 1 Build B1435
If your business depends on Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security, Advanced or Standard, then you should have received notification that WFBS 7.0 Patch 1 Build B1435 is now available. The patches that have been released by Trend Micro allow for better integration into Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011 for one thing, but also fix important issues which have been …
Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Critical Patch 1417
Trend Micro released Critical Patch 1417 for Worry-Free Business Security last week which includes previous patches and corrects known issues. Businesses running Trend Micro WFBS should update to insure reliable operation of their anti-virus solution. For a full list of issues addressed see the Trend Micro download site. If you require assistance or wish to purchase Trend Micro products in …
Trend Micro Worry-Free 7.0 Business Security Patch Build 1396 Released
If you are running Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security 7.0, then you should have received an update notification that reads like this: A new patch has been released: “WFBS 7.0 Critical Patch Build 1396”. To view the readme and get the install package: 1. Visit the Trend Micro Download Center from the Small Business tab on the Trend …
Trend Micro 3 | 4 | 2 deal coming to end soon, but it’s not too late to be Worry-Free, yet…
December 31st is the last day to take advantage of the Trend Micro “3 | 4 | 2” deal, where you buy two years of Trend Micro anti-virus protection and get the third year for free for new purchases! The products that this offer applies to is Trend Worry-Free Business Security (Both Standard and Advanced), Worry-Free Business Security Services, Hosted …
Cloud computing: Is Microsoft Aurora / BPOS right for your small business?
Today you can hardly have a conversation with IT professionals without the buzz words, “cloud computing”, “in the cloud”, “cloud solutions”, etc popping up. What do these terms mean? To over-simplify the definition, it means that something is not stored at your location. It is stored “in the cloud”, or on a remote server, and accessed via the internet. The …
Stuxnet virus possibly biggest threat to industry ever
An article from the Associated Press published on news.yahoo.com on Wednesday outlines the threat that the Stuxnet virus poses to industry around the world. The malicious computer attack appears to primarily target the Iranian nuclear plants, but according to the article, it can be modified to interfere with industrial control systems around the world, and “represents the most dire cyberthreat …
G-20 Summit is latest spam attack subject
A post today on Trend Micro’s TrendLabs Malware blog pointed out how spammers will use the upcoming G-20 Summit as a way to distribute their content. It works like this: The spammer sends emails out, they appear to come from the Japanese finance ministry and contain comments on issues related to the Summit. Should you click on the link, it will …
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